CONSULTING AGREEMENT EXTENSION. We refer to your consulting agreement (the “Consulting Agreement”) dated August 10, 2009 setting forth the terms pursuant to which you have continued to be a consultant (“Consultant”) to Integral Technologies, Inc., or its affiliate ElectriPlast Corp. (the “Company” or “Integral”). Consultant and the Company hereby mutually agree to extend the Consulting Agreement through June 30, 2016, effective as of August 1, 2011. Consultant and the Company agree that Consultant shall become an employee of the Company and agree to terminate the Consulting Agreement and any extension, at a time to be determined solely by the Company. The parties agree to negotiate in good faith an employment contract for Consultant that is in line with the position, duties and responsibilities that Consultant will fulfill in his new role as an employee of the Company. The terms and conditions set forth in the Consulting Agreement shall continue with the following changes:

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CONSULTING AGREEMENT EXTENSION. Dear Xxx: The purpose of this letter is to set forth in writing our agreement concerning an extension of your service as an executive consultant to American Financial Group, Inc. (“AFG”) through 2019. To that end, you and the Company hereby agree to extend your current consulting arrangement through December 31, 2019. During the term, you agree to provide consulting services to AFG and related organizations, including, without limitation, the subsidiaries and affiliates of AFG and their shareholders, officers, directors, employees and agents (collectively, the “Company”), making yourself available to answer questions and consult with the Company upon reasonable request. This consulting arrangement shall be on the same terms as provided in our current consulting arrangement, including the consulting fee. To that end, the fee to be paid you for your consulting services to the Company during 2019 shall be $300,000, paid in installments as agreed upon. If after review of this letter, you find it acceptable, please sign, date and return an original copy to me. Very truly yours, AMERICAN FINANCIAL GROUP, INC. By: /s/ Xxxx X. Xxxxxxx Xxxx X. Xxxxxxx Co-Chief Executive Officer ACCEPTED AND AGREED: /s/ Xxxxx X. Xxxxx Xxxxx X. Xxxxx

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