What is an arbitration agreement and how to work with it

An overview of arbitration agreements, what they are and how to work with them. Frequently asked questions about arbitration, and how AI can help.

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Olga Trąd

An arbitration agreement can be the key to a successful dispute resolution - but what is it, and how do you know if it is fair? Arbitration agreements are becoming increasingly common in many legal settings, and an understanding of them is essential for anyone looking to safeguard their interests.

In this article, we will explore what an arbitration agreement is, its use cases and benefits, as well as any drawbacks - and even discuss how AI-powered legal tools can help analyze the fairness of the agreement.

Why arbitration can be so beneficial

Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) that allows parties to resolve their differences without going through the lengthy and expensive process of a traditional court trial. In an arbitration, one or more neutral third-party arbitrators review the facts of the case and make a binding decision. This decision can then be enforced in court if necessary.

Arbitration helps both parties save time and money, since legal fees are often significantly lower than court trial costs. Moreover, the parties can choose a panel of arbitrators that is knowledgeable in their specific field or industry, which results in more informed and accurate decisions.

What is an arbitration agreement

An arbitration agreement is a contract between two or more parties in which they agree to settle any disputes arising between them through the use of arbitration instead of litigation. It can be used for any type of dispute, from consumer complaints to employment disagreements. The main benefit of an arbitration agreement is that it provides a quicker, more efficient and cost-effective way to resolve disputes than a court trial.

Use cases for arbitration agreements

Now that the question of " what's an arbitration agreement" has been answered, let us look at the practical side of this topic. Arbitration agreements are most commonly used in employment contracts, consumer transactions, business deals and construction contracts. They can also be used to settle disputes between two individuals or companies that do not have any existing contractual relationship. For example, an arbitration agreement might be used in a dispute between two neighbors over the ownership of a piece of land.

An arbitration clause in another agreement

Arbitration clauses can be included in other types of agreements. For instance, many consumer contracts contain arbitration clauses that require parties to settle disputes through arbitration instead of litigation. In addition, some companies include mandatory arbitration clauses in their terms and conditions or user agreements, requiring customers to arbitrate any dispute with the company instead of going to court.

Types of arbitration agreements

All arbitration agreements typically include clauses which limit the types of claims that can be brought, outline procedures for bringing a claim, and set limits on damages or remedies that may be awarded.

Employment arbitration agreements

These agreements are used to resolve disputes between employers and employees. They usually state where arbitration will take place.

Important note: this practice is illegal in some jurisdictions.

Consumer arbitration agreements

These agreements establish a binding legal process to settle disputes between consumers and businesses.

Important note: this practice is illegal in some jurisdictions.

Business arbitration agreements

These agreements are used to resolve disputes between two or more businesses without going through court proceedings. These agreements typically set out rules for how the arbitration will take place.

Construction contracts

These agreements are used to resolve disputes between two or more contractors or subcontractors involved in a construction project.

How do arbitration agreements work?

Arbitration agreements typically require that disputes between the parties be resolved through arbitration rather than litigation. The agreement should also outline how long each party has to respond to a dispute and who will bear the costs associated with the arbitration process. Generally, both parties share these costs equally. Additionally, the agreement should state what type of law or rules will govern the arbitration and who will select the arbitrators.

Arbitration proceedings

Arbitration proceedings are more informal than court proceedings and the rules governing them may be less rigorous. An impartial arbitrator hears the evidence from both sides, considers applicable laws and legal principles, and then renders a decision. This arbitrator may not have legal education.

Benefits of arbitration agreements

Arbitration agreements can provide both parties with several advantages when it comes to resolving disputes. The main benefit of an arbitration agreement is that it allows parties to quickly and efficiently resolve their disputes without having to go through the lengthy and expensive process of litigation.

Arbitration is also less formal than court proceedings. This can mean lower attorney's fees, and in some cases, hiring an attorney for the arbitration process may be unnecessary (though it is generally safer to have a professional on one's side).

Additionally, because they are private, the details of the dispute are not made public, protecting the parties' reputations. Finally, arbitration awards can be enforced in most courts of law, so parties are assured that they will get a fair result.

Drawbacks of arbitration agreements

Although arbitration has its advantages, there are some drawbacks to this form of dispute resolution as well. First, because arbitrators are not required to follow the same rules as judges, there is a risk that an unexpected or unfair decision could be reached. Additionally, arbitration awards can be difficult to enforce in some countries, and parties may have limited rights of appeal if they are not satisfied with the outcome.

Because arbitration proceedings are private, it can be harder for plaintiffs to recover damages if the case is successful. Additionally, it may be difficult to find an impartial third-party arbitrator who is qualified to handle a specific type of dispute. This applies especially to employee arbitration agreements, as juries can be more sympathetic to employees than arbitrators, which means that it may be more beneficial to handle legal claims against employers through a trial.

Finally, parties generally do not have the ability to request as much evidence from the other side. This can be a disadvantage to those who wish to prove their case in arbitration, and in particular, may lead to inequality between employee and employer, as the latter will generally have access to more information.

Frequently asked questions about arbitration and arbitration agreements

Q: What happens if one party does not comply with the agreement?

A: If one party does not comply with the terms of the arbitration agreement, the other party can seek legal action in court.

Q: Is arbitration legally binding?

A: Yes, most arbitration awards are legally binding and can be enforced in court.

Q: Can you appeal an arbitration decision?

A: Depending on the jurisdiction and the specific terms of the agreement, parties may have limited rights to appeal an arbitration decision. It is often the case that an arbitrator's decision cannot be appealed.

Q: Is there a time limit for making a decision in arbitration?

A: Generally, yes - the time limit can be specified in the agreement or agreed upon by both parties.

Q: Can I sue my employer if I signed an arbitration agreement?

A: That depends on the specific terms of the agreement. Some agreements specifically exclude certain claims from arbitration, while others may limit damages that can be recovered in arbitration or even require all disputes to be resolved through arbitration.

Q: What is the difference between an arbitration clause and an arbitration agreement?

A: An arbitration clause is a clause included in a larger agreement that requires disputes to be resolved through arbitration. An arbitration agreement, on the other hand, is an entire document that includes this clause and additional provisions such as the selection of an arbitrator, time limit for making a decision, and other terms related to the dispute resolution process.

Q: What are the three types of arbitration?

A: There are three main types of arbitration: binding arbitration, non-binding arbitration, and mini-trial. In binding arbitration, the parties agree to be bound by the decision of an arbitrator or panel; in non-binding arbitration they do not have to comply with the decision; and in a mini-trial, the parties present their cases in front of a panel and then receive a non-binding decision.

Q: Why is arbitration necessary?

A: Arbitration can provide an efficient and cost-effective way to resolve disputes without the need for a court trial. It is often quicker and less expensive than other forms of dispute resolution, such as litigation. Additionally, arbitration agreements are legally binding and enforceable in many countries.

Q: Who usually wins in arbitration?

A: The outcome of an arbitration case largely depends on the evidence and arguments presented by both parties. Therefore, either party may win an arbitration case depending on the circumstances.

Q: Who pays the arbitrator?

A: Usually, both parties share the cost of the arbitration. Depending on the agreement, however, one party may be responsible for covering all costs associated with the arbitration process.

Q: Is arbitration expensive?

A: The cost of arbitration depends on a variety of factors, such as the complexity of the case and the location. Generally speaking, however, it is less expensive than court trials due to its quicker resolution and fewer legal costs associated with preparing for an arbitration hearing.

Q: Who picks the arbitrator?

A: The parties involved in the dispute usually select the arbitrator or panel. In some cases, an independent organization may be responsible for selecting a neutral and impartial third-party to serve as the arbitrator.

Q: Who files for arbitration?

A: Either party can file for arbitration - usually the one who initiated the dispute. The filing party must provide evidence of the dispute and include details such as a description of the dispute, contact information for all parties involved, and any other relevant documents.

Q: What are the 4 stages of arbitration?

A: The four stages of arbitration are: (1) selection of an arbitrator; (2) exchange of evidence and arguments; (3) hearing or presentation of cases before the arbitrator; and (4) delivery of the arbitration award.

Q: How long can arbitration last?

A: The length of an arbitration process depends on the complexity of the dispute and the agreements between the parties. In some jurisdictions, arbitration hearings are limited to one hour. In others, cases may last for several weeks or months.

Q: Can I use AI legal tools to help me with arbitration agreements?

A: Yes, AI legal tools can be used to quickly analyze and review arbitration agreements for issues such as validity, enforceability, compliance with laws and regulations, etc. Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to automate document analysis, identify key terms, and even detect hidden clauses. AI technology can help users quickly understand the implications of signing an arbitration agreement and make sure that it is fair for all parties involved.

Reviewing arbitration clauses and agreements

It is essential that an arbitration agreement is carefully read and analyzed before it is signed. Make sure to look for any provisions that could be unfair or one-sided, as well as any language that could limit one party's rights in the event of a dispute. Additionally, it is important to understand what types of disputes are covered, who will be responsible for paying the arbitration fees and other costs, and where the arbitration proceedings will take place.

An extra piece of advice for employees is to read carefully through an employee handbook before signing a form that confirms they have read and understood everything in it. It is possible to put an arbitration clause into an employee handbook.

Signs of a fair arbitration agreement

A fair arbitration agreement should provide equal rights to all parties involved, meaning that it should not contain any provisions that unfairly favor one side over the other. Additionally, a fair agreement should provide for an impartial and qualified arbitrator to oversee the proceedings, as well as give all parties ample time to present their case.

The arbitrator

Both parties should have equal control of the choice of arbitrator for a dispute. It is important to ensure that the chosen arbitrator is impartial and qualified; for example, if a dispute involves complex financial matters, then the arbitrator should have experience dealing with such matters.

The costs

A fair agreement should specify who will be responsible for paying any fees or other costs associated with the arbitration proceedings. Generally, each party pays its own costs, but it is best to confirm this in the agreement.

Disclosure of information by the arbitrator

A fair agreement should state that the arbitrator must disclose any conflicts of interest before hearing a case. For example, if the arbitrator is an employee of one of the parties or has a vested financial interest in one party’s success, such information should be disclosed.


A fair agreement should also provide for remedies in the event of non-compliance with the arbitration award. These could include, but are not limited to, monetary damages and injunctive relief.

Right to attorney

Finally, a fair agreement should allow both parties the right to be represented by an attorney during arbitration proceedings.

Using arbitration services

Arbitration services can provide valuable assistance to parties when dealing with disputes. These services can help guide the arbitration process, from selecting an arbitrator to managing the proceedings to enforcing any awards that are issued. Additionally, AI legal tools such as contract analysis software can be used to quickly review and analyze arbitration agreements for fairness.

Using AI-powered legal tools

AI-powered legal tools can help analyze any arbitration agreement and determine if it is fair or not. These tools can quickly scan through contracts to look for potential issues and alert users to any potential problems.

Additionally, they can provide detailed explanations of the terms and language used in contracts so that legal professionals and people lacking a legal education alike can make sure they understand exactly what they are agreeing to. By using AI-powered legal tools, parties can more easily keep their arbitration agreement fair and compliant with all applicable laws.


Ultimately, it is essential that a legal professional reads and carefully analyzes any arbitration agreement before it is signed in order to make sure that it is fair and compliant with the law. However, this can easily become a time-consuming and costly process. That is where tools like AnyLawyer come into play.

By using AI-powered legal tools, it is possible to quickly and accurately assess a contract for potential issues and identify any problematic language. Lawyers and legal advisors can then focus their efforts on the parts identified as problematic, which is a smarter way to use their time. This process ensures that an arbitration agreement is sound and will protect the parties' interests should a dispute arise.